When the early church was forming, Saint Peter wrote in his second epistle, "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." This has become our guiding motto and vision. At our school, we believe that children grow not only in knowledge but also in character, nurtured within our Christian setting. Saint Peter also encouraged early Christians to read and learn, emphasising the importance of understanding to grow in grace and knowledge.
Designed to meet the specific needs of our community, our curriculum reflects our commitment to going beyond standard requirements. It is dynamic and continuously evolving to remain relevant and effective.
Reading is at the heart of everything we do.
We view reading as the gateway to learning, fostering growth in both grace and knowledge.
Developing a deep body of knowledge and cultural capital.
Our curriculum equips children with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in education and in life, preparing them for the future.
Exceeding the ambitions of the National Curriculum.
What is our curriculum intent?
Our leadership team has carefully designed our knowledge-based curriculum with the following goals in mind:
Articulating subject-specific intentions.
Clear statements of intent guide each subject area, ensuring alignment with our broader educational vision.
Exceeding national expectations.
We identify and highlight, in green text, areas where our curriculum surpasses the ambitions of the National Curriculum, the RSHE framework, the Early Years Framework, or the locally-agreed syllabus. These enhancements reflect our spiritual mission to nurture children and serve our community's needs.
Defining essential outcomes.
We set clear expectations for what children must know, understand, and do by the time they leave our school. These are captured in our outcome statements.
Our curriculum is a living document, always in draft form and subject to refinement as we strive to provide the best for our children.